Are all online degrees accredited?
Can my online degree be mistaken for a false, immediate degree?
How much do online courses cost?
Should I choose a synchronous or asynchronous online degree program?
Why online is better than on-campus?
Are online degree courses easier?
Are online degree courses self-paced?
How is testing done?
Will I miss the "real" campus experience?
Is there any recognition for completing online courses?
Is regional accreditation equal to federal?
If I get a high school diploma from a DETC-accredited institution, will it be accepted?
How can I apply for an online degree course?
How many online degree courses can I take?
I am interested in being an online instructor. Is that a good idea?
Will the credits I receive from an online degree educational institution be later accepted by a traditional college or university?
Is online degree education for everyone?
Are online degrees as useful as conventional degrees to succed in your career?
What computer equipment is usually necessary for a student to join an ;online degree program? Do students need high computer knowledge?
Are there any systems in place to keep online degree students honest?
Online Degree education FAQ. Are all online degrees accredited? Before
enrolling in an online degree program, we strongly recommend you to
verify the educational institution's credentials. This you can do by
contacting the US Department of Education, the Canadian provincial
Ministry of Education or the Education ministries or other relevant
authorities in other countries. For your convenience, we provide a list of such authorities.
Online Degree education FAQ. Can my online degree be mistaken for a false, immediate degree?
To start with, immediate degrees are not necessarily false. But of
course, they aren't ordinary, prestigious and fully accredited programs
either. Your online degree is such a program, instead,
and therefore it can't be mistaken for an immediate degree. To learn
more about immediate degrees or instant degrees please visit our section on this issue.
Online Degree education FAQ. How much do online courses cost? It depends a lot on the educational institution you choose, on the length and quality of your online degree, and on other matters such as further equipment, books, etcetera. But tuition is normally much cheaper than on-campus.
Online Degree education FAQ. Should I choose a syncronous or assyncronous online degree program?
You need to consider your other obligations and the real chances you
will have to attend online chats, videoconference or other syncronous
activities planned in the course. Choose an assyncronous online degree program if that fits your style of life better. Quality will be the same.
Online Degree education FAQ. Why online is better than on-campus? It's not necessarily better, as that depends on your learning style, your daily schedule for other obligations and your place of residence.
Online Degree education FAQ. Are online degree courses easier?
No. They require at least as much effort and time as traditional
courses, if not more. Because students work primarily on their own
without face-to-face contact with instructors, they will not have the
regular classroom reminders and clarifications available to students in
traditional courses. You will need to allocate between ten and twenty
hours per week to study your online degree courses.
Many people think that just because they can take classes from home that
it is going to be easy. It's just not so. The Internet is just another
way to "go to class". In some ways, it can be more difficult. In
addition to the readings, papers and projects you would have in a
classroom-based course, participation in online discussions is usually
required. You can't hide in the back of the classroom! Online learning
also forces you to use keyboard skills, generally relies heavily on
reading and writing, and requires good time management to keep up with
everything. If your skills in any of these areas could use improvement,
online learning will take longer and seem more difficult. It's not for
everyone. However, if it is for you, it can be a rich and satisfying
experience, shared with others with similar interests.
Online Degree education FAQ. Are online degree courses self-paced?
Some Online degree courses are designed to be entirely self paced. The
amount of information learnt, when assessment is taken, how much you
network with other students, all these components can be arranged for
your individual needs, and around your current commitments. The
self-paced nature is very important for mature aged students, who have
many commitments that can change from week to week. Easy, fast and cheap
communication with your teachers, class supervisors and fellow students
via e-mail, videoconferencing and other systems.
Online Degree education FAQ. How is testing done?
Testing procedures vary by instructor but, in general, testing services
for distance education classes are available at all campus locations.
Testing information is provided at course orientations and in course
Online Degree education FAQ. Will I miss the "real" campus experience?
Well, that will depend on the kind of student you are. For many people,
online degree programs are more focused and allow them to meet and get
to know only the persons they are interested in. No need to waste time
in forced socialising and yet many online learners have found that they
got to know both the teacher and their classmates a lot better than you
do in a classroom, where you only see them during class time, since
everyone participates. Because you can't see the other members of the
class, nothing gets in the way of learning. Learn more.
Online Degree education FAQ. Is there any recognition for completing online courses? That will depend on the level and importance of the course done. If we are talking about full online degree programs, then recognition is just the same as for a degree earned on-campus. Lately, it has been noted that some online degrees
are starting to become more prestigious than their on-campus
equivalents. But you should check accreditation. Legitimate schools are
listed in many publications specific to distance learning, including the
Peterson's Guides, Bear's Guides, Baker's and many others. If you
aren't sure, contact the school directly (if you can't, that's a dead
giveaway). If you are particularly interested in a degree or special
industry certification, it is also important to pay attention to
regional accreditation.
Online Degree education FAQ. Is regional accreditation equal to federal?
There are many different accrediting bodies and entities, each with its
own criteria. The most important accreditation for most people to
consider is regional accreditation, overseen by CHEA (The Council on
Higher Education Accreditation). There are six regional bodies providing
accreditation. Regionally accredited schools have undergone an
exhaustive review process in which they prove they are academically and
fiscally sound. These schools can participate in federal financial aid
and athletic programs, attract top-notch teachers and staff, and provide
opportunities to students that non-accredited schools cannot.
Online Degree education FAQ. If I get a high school diploma from a DETC-accredited institution, will it be accepted?
A high school diploma from an accredited distance education institution
is comparable to a resident high school. However, if you are planning
on enrolling in a college or university, you should check with them
first to see if they will accept your diploma.
Online Degree education FAQ. How can I apply for an online degree course? Admission and registration for an online degree
or other distance education course is the same as for any other college
course. Once a student is admitted to the college, registration may be
done by phone, online or in-person at any of the college's campuses.
Withdrawal and refund policies provided in the course schedule apply to
all courses, including distance education courses.
Online Degree education FAQ. How many online degree courses can I take?
You may take as many online degree courses as you choose, within load
limits set for all classes. However, if you have not taken any distance
education courses before, you may want to "test the waters" by taking
just one, then adding to that if you find the method meets your needs.
Online Degree education FAQ. I am interested in being an online instructor. Is that a good idea?
That's a great decision, and a growing profession with a brilliant
future ahead. Online degree institutions will certainly need to hire
more online instructors, so go for it!
Online Degree education FAQ. Will
the credits I receive from an online degree educational institution be
later accepted by a traditional college or university? The DETC
2001 survey of graduates showed that of those who attempted (and only 1
of 3 did attempt) to transfer credits and degrees, 2 of 3 were
successful. Acceptance of degrees or credits from online degree
institutions is largely determined by the policy of the "receiving
organization," e.g., an employer, a college registrar, etc.
Accreditation is not a guarantee that credit will transfer to any
college or university. You should always check with the college or
university that you wish to transfer your credits to before you enroll
in an online degree course.
Online Degree education FAQ. Is online degree education for everyone? No. Many students want and need the personal interaction that a traditional classroom gives to them. Good candidates for online degree
and distance education courses are those students who are self-directed
and self-motivated. This may include professionals who travel
extensively, students in remote locations, or those who, for personal or
professional reasons, need the flexibility to attend classes.
Anecdotally, it seems that the people who have the skills to succeed in
online learning have the kinds of skills that make them successful in
their careers. Most of the online learners at the moment are adults.
Online Degree education FAQ. Are online degrees as useful as conventional degrees to succed in your career? Anecdotally, it seems that the people who have the skills to succeed in online degree learning have the kinds of skills that make them successful in their careers. Most of the online learners at the moment are adults.
Online Degree education FAQ. What computer equipment is usually necessary for a student to join an online degree program? Do students need high computer knowledge? Online degree students
must have a 450 MHz or faster processor with at least 64 MB of RAM, a
CD-Rom drive with sound card and an ISP (internet service provider)
outside of the workplace (because of firewalls). Students needn't be
experts in computers or Internet. They should, however, know how to use
the computer; how to navigate the worldwide web browser; how to save and
retrieve files; how to use standard business software; how to use a
CD-ROM; and how to use a modem to connect to the Internet.
Online Degree education FAQ. Are there any systems in place to keep online degree students honest? It's a real concern. Online degree cheating
is not "rampant," but it is getting more common. But instructors now
weight grades in such a way that the tests and assignments that really
matter are completed under a closer scrutiny.
Can my online degree be mistaken for a false, immediate degree?
How much do online courses cost?
Should I choose a synchronous or asynchronous online degree program?
Why online is better than on-campus?
Are online degree courses easier?
Are online degree courses self-paced?
How is testing done?
Will I miss the "real" campus experience?
Is there any recognition for completing online courses?
Is regional accreditation equal to federal?
If I get a high school diploma from a DETC-accredited institution, will it be accepted?
How can I apply for an online degree course?
How many online degree courses can I take?
I am interested in being an online instructor. Is that a good idea?
Will the credits I receive from an online degree educational institution be later accepted by a traditional college or university?
Is online degree education for everyone?
Are online degrees as useful as conventional degrees to succed in your career?
What computer equipment is usually necessary for a student to join an ;online degree program? Do students need high computer knowledge?
Are there any systems in place to keep online degree students honest?
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